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Journal of Applied Science & Engineering

Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science & Engineering

Issue: Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2022
Title: A Vertex-extension based Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining from Graph Databases
  • Md Tanvir Alam
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of D haka, Bangladesh
  • Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of D haka, Bangladesh
  • Md Samiullah
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of D haka, Bangladesh
Keywords: Graph mining, Knowledge graphs.

Frequent pattern mining is a core problem in data mining. Algorithms for frequent pattern mining have been proposed for itemsets, sequences, and graphs. However, existing graph mining frameworks follow an edge-growth approach to building patterns which limits many applications. Motivated by real-life problems, in this work, we define a novel graph mining framework that incorporates vertex-based extensions along with the edge-growth approach. We also propose an efficient algorithm for mining frequent subgraphs. To deal with the exploding search space, we introduce a canonical labeling technique for isomorphic candidates as well as downward closure property-based search space pruning. We present an experimental analysis of our algorithm on real-life benchmark graph datasets to demonstrate the performance in terms of runtime.

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