Title: | An Analysis Of The Effective Capacity Of A Plant Through Discrete Simulation Approach For Future Business Expansion |
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Keywords: | Turn-Around Time, Bottling, Docking, Unloading, Packing, Design Of Experiment |
Abstract: |
In this paper, a case study has been presented of a bottling plant to simulate the efficiency of the plant prior to production. This simulation model is mainly divided into three sections as follows: 1 loading until unloading operation, 2) the juice pump from surge tank to the bottling operation, and 3) packaging operation. After the model has been simulated, verification has been performed to observe in what extent the model represents different real world scenarios. Later on, several recommendations have been suggested to run the business successfully. The proposed model has been developed in SIGMA software and to verify the model, design of experiment is done by MINITAB software. It is run for both short and long term to observe the real factory situation which is compatible in real time applications. |
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